Enrollment Information
Selection Process Notice:
With regard to the selection process, no student shall be discriminated against for any reason including race, gender, national origin, disability, religion, political views, immigration status or sexual preference. Furthermore, the school will not discriminate on the basis of intellectual ability, athletic prowess, measures of scholastic achievement or aptitude, or proficiency in the
English or Spanish language.
English or Spanish language.
Parents and Guardians must complete the application for registration and comply with all other registration requirements. Academic transcripts and all other records from schools previously attended are requested for admission. Upon admission to the school, a complete Physical Examination conducted by a Primary Health-Care Provider will be requested along with a copy of the child’s Medical Record
You can submit a question to the school using the online form here. For immediate help, call the Hostos Charter office at 215-324-7012 during regular school hours.
Vaccination Requirements and Forms:
For the Spanish Vaccination Link click here.
Enrollment materials can be submitted in a few different ways:
- By Phone: Tuesdays and Thursdays
- By Mail/Email to and from the school upon request via [email protected] or by calling 267-568-4199.
- In Person: By appointment upon request via [email protected] or by calling 267-568-4199.
Enrollment packets are only to be completed after acceptance through Apply Philly Charter. If your child has been accepted please reach out to the school at 215-268-3102 for further information.