Join us Friday, November 15th, and wear red to recognize and bring awareness to the importance of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and the education needed to provide stability and consistency to children and youth experiencing homelessness across Pennsylvania.
Here are some facts about Homelessness:
1. Over 46,700 children and youth experiencing homelessness were identified in PA during the 2022-23 school year.
2. 86% of identified children and youth experiencing homelessness in PA were enrolled in school in 2022-23. School is a lifeline for housing insecure students.
3. Students experiencing homelessness can face barriers to school enrollment and participation in school. We are committed to identifying, breaking down, and eliminating barriers to ensure equity for students.
4. Nearly 80% of students experiencing homelessness in PA remained in their school of origin, providing crucial stability. School stability matters for housing insecure students.
5. Students experiencing homelessness graduate at a lower rate than their housed peers. We are committed to supporting youth experiencing homelessness on their path to on-time graduation, despite the challenges they face.
On Friday, be sure to wear RED and tag your post with the hashtag #RedShirtDayPA!